Our Hapkido Grandmaster

Gedo Chang is a first generation Grand Master of Hapkido. He holds an 8th degree in Hapkido, a 5th degree in Tae Kwon Do, is President of the World Hapkido Union and a published author. He travels worldwide giving seminars on martial arts and Ki.

Chang, Ge Do grew up in a mountain monastery in Kumsam, Chungnam province in South Korea. He was a contemporary of Ji, Han Jae and learnt Hapkido from his father a Buddhist monk. He became formally recognised as a master of Hapkido in 1964. He then opened his school in Korea and called it “Wol Ge Kwan” which means “The Victor’s Laurel”.
He was the first to develop Hapkido techniques specifically for police personnel. His teaching abilities so impressed the Korean Government, that they created a special award for “Best Martial Arts Instructor”, and presented it to Master Chang.
In 1973, the Korean Hapkido Association dispatched Master Chang to the United States of America. There he has demonstrated and taught throughout the USA. He finally settled in Lombard, Illinois where he opened his first U.S. School, “Chang’s Hapkido Academy”.

In 1993, Tammy Parlour, one of Chang’s Hapkido Academy’s senior instructors moved to England and founded ‘Chang’s Hapkido Academy UK’. Since that time, Master Chang has regularly travelled to England, conducting seminars and grading UK students. Chang’s Hapkido Academy UK’s main school is based in London.
Articles on Grandmaster Chang
- From the Heart, for the heart, The Naperville Sun, February 2009
- Grandmaster Gedo Chang discussing martial arts philosophy and the manifestation of Ki (internal power), London Ki Seminar, November 2007, Listen here.
- Martial Arts Can Add Kick to your Workout, Daily Herald Health, December 2005
- Defending Your Life, Dupage Press Publications, March 2004
- Teaching Harmony One by One, Dupage Press Publications, May 2003
- Interview with Grandmaster Chang, by Master Parlour, TKD & Korean Martial Arts, April 1999
- Master Gedo Chang and the Korean art of Hapkido, Fighters Magazine, June 1998
- Hapkido Pressure Points, TKD & Korean Martial Arts, June 1996
- Gedo Chang – Master of Ki Power, Fighters Magazine, September 1995
- Master Gedo Chang – The Gentleman of Hapkido, Fighters Magazine, May 1995
- Dzentelmen Hapkido, Komandos, 1995
- History of Korea and Hapkido (alternately The Hapkido Bible). He Young Kimm, Andrew Jackson Press, Baton Rouge, Louisiana 1991